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Dive deep into the world of social media with engaging sessions that empower you to master content creation skills, develop highly effective strategies, captivate your audience, and grow your business.

Each session builds upon the last, ensuring you level up your social media game week by week. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to boost your online presence!

Week 1: Introduction to Social Media & Building Foundations

  • Introduction to social media
  • Understanding your target audience
  • Optimizing profiles

Week 2: Crafting Content that Reels Them In

  • Crafting engaging content
  • Scheduling tools
  • Building a calendar for consistency

Week 3: From Followers to Fans: Ignite Engagement & Grow Your Audience

  • Organic growth
  • Utilizing ads
  • Engagement with your audience
  • KPIs

Week 4: Tools for Social Media Success

  • Canva
  • AI
  • Slay/so
  • And more!

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