IHSS Info Hiring Session

Moreno Valley Business & Employment Resource Center 12625 Frederick St., Moreno Valley

The In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Public Authority is actively recruiting for more caregivers to join the registry. Following a brief presentation, computers will be provided for you to begin the self-registration process. Staff will also be available to provide additional assistance or answer questions about the enrollment process.

Taller de Solicitud de Empleo: Conviertase en Cuidador de IHSS

Moreno Valley Business & Employment Resource Center 12625 Frederick St., Moreno Valley

La Autoridad Pรบblica de Servicios de Apoyo en el Hogar (IHSS) estรก reclutando activamente a mรกs cuidadores para unirse al registro. Tras una breve presentaciรณn, se pondrรกn a su disposiciรณn computadoras para que pueda iniciar el proceso de auto inscripciรณn. El personal tambiรฉn estarรก disponible para proporcionar asistencia adicional o responder preguntas sobre el proceso […]

SBA Certifications and Contracting Programs (2-Part Series)


This two-week series will be instructed by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and will discuss the requirements, application process and how to become SBA 8(a), SBA Women-Owned Small Business, and/or SBA HUBZone Certified. July 18,2024 | 10 โ€“ 11:30 a.m. SBA 8(a) Application To help provide a level playing field for small businesses owned […]

The New Search Evolution: AI is taking over. Is your website ready?


After this webinar, youโ€™ll walk away with an AI-ready Omni-Search optimization strategy. Week 2:ย Omni-Search Optimization โ€” In-depth tactics to get traffic when AI is hiding your website from the world. Discover which channels to prioritize to remain competitive Identify key ranking factors in the age of AI Live coaching session on optimizing a sample website

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