
Explore Upcoming Business and Employment Events in Moreno Valley

Event Series SBDC Business Consulting Hours

SBDC Business Consulting Hours

Moreno Valley Business & Employment Resource Center 12625 Frederick St., Moreno Valley, United States

Get closer to starting and growing your small business with the help of our expert consultants! In order to match you with the best consultant, we will conduct a 15-minute intake phone call where we will discuss your existing business or startup so that we can evaluate and determine which consultant is the best fit

Moreno Valley Youth Opportunity Center

Moreno Valley Business & Employment Resource Center 12625 Frederick St., Moreno Valley, United States

Jobs and opportunities for Youth age 16-24. Mondays & Wednesdays at the BERC from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

IHSS Hiring Info Session

Moreno Valley Business & Employment Resource Center 12625 Frederick St., Moreno Valley, United States

Please join us for an information session on how to become an In Home Supportive Services Caregiver.   The In Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Public Authority is actively recruiting for more caregivers to join the registry. Following a brief presentation, computers will be provided for you to begin the self-registration process.


Moreno Valley Business & Employment Resource Center 12625 Frederick St., Moreno Valley, United States

Acompáñenos para una sesión de información sobre cómo convertirse en un cuidador de servicios de apoyo en el hogar. La Autoridad Pública de Servicios de Apoyo en el Hogar (IHSS) está reclutando activamente para que más cuidadores se unan al registro. Luego de una breve presentación, se le proporcionarán computadoras para que inicie el proceso

Moreno Valley Youth Opportunity Center

Moreno Valley Business & Employment Resource Center 12625 Frederick St., Moreno Valley, United States

Jobs and opportunities for Youth age 16-24. Mondays & Wednesdays at the BERC from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Conocimiento Financiero para Principiantes

Moreno Valley Business & Employment Resource Center 12625 Frederick St., Moreno Valley, United States

Registrese a este taller para aprender aspectos clave de la educación financiera, que incluyen saber cómo crear un presupuesto, administrar deudas y realizar un seguimiento de los gastos personales.

Financial Literacy Workshop: Protecting Your Identity and Other Assets

Moreno Valley Business & Employment Resource Center 12625 Frederick St., Moreno Valley, United States

In this workshop, you will become aware of risks to your assets and learn how to prepare yourself to take steps to reduce those risks. Explore how to reduce your risk of identity theft and the help available if it happens to you.

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