- No events scheduled for July 18, 2021.
Plan Your College Career with Moreno Valley College
Moreno Valley Business and Employment Resource CenterSube de Nivel tus Hábilidades para Entrevistas
Moreno Valley Business and Employment Resource Center- No events scheduled for July 24, 2021.
Week of Events
Moreno Valley Youth Opportunity Center
Moreno Valley Youth Opportunity Center
Visit the ERC and speak with a YOC (Youth Opportunity Center) representative onsite about Jobs and Opportunities for Youth ages 16-24. Every Monday and Wednesday from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Moreno Valley Youth Opportunity Center
Moreno Valley Youth Opportunity Center
Jobs and opportunities for Youth age 16-24. Mondays & Wednesdays at the BERC 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
IESBDC Webinar: Introduction to QuickBooks Online
IESBDC Webinar: Introduction to QuickBooks Online
This webinar is the first and part of a three part webinar series and is designed for new or prospective QuickBooks Online (QBO) users who have questions about key processes and software functions. Join us for an in-depth introduction to QuickBooks that will cover the key features of the accounting software and how to implement them
LevelUp Your Interview Skills Workshop
LevelUp Your Interview Skills Workshop
Gain the confidence to land your next career opportunity! - Learn effective interviewing skills through preparation and practice - Learn proper interview etiquette - Build rapport, emphasize your skills, and overcome objections and fears - How to stand out from other candidates and make a lasting impression - Find out what interviewers really want to
Webinar: Network Your Way to Success
Webinar: Network Your Way to Success
Get actionable networking tips from self-described “undercover introvert” Jason Scott, Google’s Head of Startup Developer Ecosystems. In this workshop, you’ll learn simple strategies for building connections with people who can help you grow your career.
Plan Your College Career with Moreno Valley College
Plan Your College Career with Moreno Valley College
Moreno Valley College invites you to learn about academic opportunities, apprenticeship programs and other resources that are available. This will be a great chance to explore the different avenues of education and career planning. This session will explore the CTE: Business and Information Technology System programs.
IESBDC Webinar: Financiamiento Para Su Pequeña Empresa
IESBDC Webinar: Financiamiento Para Su Pequeña Empresa
Financiamiento Para Su Pequeña Empresa ("Financing For Your Small Business" in Spanish) Clase Uno | 13 de Julio de 2-3PM | Prestamos y Credito/Lending and Credit ¿Está buscando financiamiento para su pequeño negocio? ¿Necesita ayuda para comprender cómo utilizar mejor su crédito? Únase a nosotros para aprender las opciones de préstamos que están disponibles para usted,
IESBDC Webinar: Level Up Your Marketing and Sales
IESBDC Webinar: Level Up Your Marketing and Sales
There is only one boss: CUSTOMERS! Growth in your business is all about attracting new customers and/or expanding what your existing customers are buying from you. In this webinar, you will learn how to hone your efforts on bettering the outcomes of your current marketing initiatives, defining the target areas that you are trying to
Procter & Gamble Job Fair!
Procter & Gamble Job Fair!
Don't miss out on our in-person job fair held at the BERC! Procter & Gamble is now hiring for Warehouse Forklift Drivers starting at $20. Register at https://conta.cc/2SnwvgX to schedule your interview and assessment appointment. If you have any questions or trouble scheduling an appointment, please contact us at the BERC via email
Moreno Valley Youth Opportunity Center
Moreno Valley Youth Opportunity Center
Moreno Valley YOC Jobs and opportunities for Youth age 16-24. Mondays and Wednesdays at the BERC 10 a.m. to 12 p.m
IESBDC Webinar: Conocimiento de Producto
IESBDC Webinar: Conocimiento de Producto
Conocimiento de Producto ("Product Knowledge" in Spanish) Cuantos de ustedes han tomado su tiempo para investigar sobre un producto nuevo que les interesa. ¿Y cuando llegan a la tienda para preguntar más preguntas y comprar el producto ustedes saben más que el asociado de ventas? ¡No permita que esto suceda en su negocio, únase a
Macy’s Hiring Event
IESBDC Webinar: Loans for Your Small Business
IESBDC Webinar: Loans for Your Small Business
Are you seeking funding for your small business or have you been affected by COVID-19? Join us to learn about the funding options that are available to you, where to start and how to qualify. Learn from a former underwriter the language of finance (cash flow, collateral, credit). Additionally, we will discuss current relief funding options
Stay Green Inc. Hiring Event
Stay Green Inc. Hiring Event
Hiring event for landscape services in the Inland Empire area. Join us for this in-person hiring event to learn about exciting opportunities in professional landscape services. Looking for: • GARDENERS: WITH OR WITHOUT EXPERIENCE • IRRIGATION TECHNICIANS: WITH EXPERIENCE AND DRIVERS LICENCE • CREW LEADERS: WITH DRIVERS LICENCE3 Buscando: • JARDINEROS: CON O SIN EXPERIENCIA
Sube de Nivel tus Hábilidades para Entrevistas
Sube de Nivel tus Hábilidades para Entrevistas
¡Adquiere la confianza para conseguir tu próxima oportunidad profesional! - Aprende hábilidades efectivas para la entrevista através de la preparación y la práctica. - Aprende la ética adecuada para las entrevistas. - Construye una buena relacion, enfatiza tus habilidades, supera las objeciones y miedos. - ¿Cómo diferenciarse de otros candidatos y causar una impresión duradera?
CVSBDC Webinar: Ready, Set, Grow!
CVSBDC Webinar: Ready, Set, Grow!
Drive your business to the next level with this new small business development course! Planning & People Business planning can play out in many different ways. Anytime upper management comes together to plan for the success of a business, it is a form of business planning. In this module, we will explore Growth Strategies and
E-Commerce Webinar Series (IESBDC)
E-Commerce Webinar Series (IESBDC)
In just four weeks, you can gain the tools to succeed as you establish a strong online presence. You will gain the ways and means to be able to choose where you want to be online, launch your own ecommerce platform, and learn about other digital tools to consider with the goal of developing a successful