Human Resources: State & Federal Compliance


Are you wondering what and if any laws impact your business with your workforce? Well, there are many state and federal laws to take into consideration with any employment related matter and this workshop reviews many of the laws to help reduce liability for your business, join us to learn more on this important topic.

Introduction to QuickBooks


Learn to get control of your accounting with QuickBooks! This workshop will take you step-by-step through the process of setting up your bookkeeping system using the QuickBooks software. See how easy it is to track and manage expenses and payments in your business with QuickBooks. ย 

Marketing 101


Marketing is an integral part of promoting your business. In this workshop youโ€™ll learn the basic principles and best practices for marketing your self, your goods and your business. Topics covered will include defining your target audiences and creating customer profiles that will enable you to discern the messages that will attract your most desired

Pricing for Profit


Pricing your services is one of the most important decisions you will make in your business. Find out what you must know to set your prices appropriately and competitively.

Service Based Do’s & Don’ts


Providing exceptional service is paramount for success. Whether you're in the hospitality industry, retail, healthcare, or any other sector, understanding the fundamentals of service excellence is crucial. Join us for our webinar where we'll explore the essential principles that can help you elevate your service game to the next level.

Pricing for Profit


Pricing your services is one of the most important decisions you will make in your business. Find out what you must know to set your prices appropriately and competitively.

Advanced QuickBooks


This workshop is catered to those who have already taken "Introduction to QuickBooks" and are ready to take their skills to the next level!

ABC’s of Starting Your Own Business


Learn the steps you need to take when starting a business, how the legal form of your business affects your time and cost to launch, and discover the sources of funding available to existing and aspiring small business owners.

Tu Si Puedes! Graduacion


Para mantener la calidad y seguridad durante los eventos virtuales, se le enviarรก un enlace para unirse al seminario web; por favor, guรกrdelo en su calendario. Como recordatorio amistoso, el enlace tambiรฉn se enviarรก a su correo electrรณnico 30 minutos antes de que comience el seminario web. Si no recibe el enlace, revise su bandeja

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